The main character, Kikumaru Makibishi, has lived a fairly ordinary life surrounded by his raccoon-faced family. However, his daily life suddenly changes due to the sudden death of his grandfather. At the wake, a cat wearing a combat outfit attacks and fires a machine gun. The main character is rescued from a crisis by a cat-eared beauty who is fleeting and hazy like an illusion. In this country, there are people known as “Ajin” who have different roots from people. They were active as ninjas during the Sengoku period, and they secretly exist everywhere in modern Japan. The person who has held society together has already been embroiled in a battle for succession in the house of Saiga, where the main character was born. A new chapter of Neko Ninja, which is a bit more serious(?), is now opening once again. The cuteness of the new look will make you whimper.


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